Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Loving Yourself (and Your Health) More!

Health-Loving Friend,
I know that you want to be vibrantly healthy and well. I know I certainly do. In fact, a good portion of my day is spent making sure that my body is relaxed, my mind at ease, my heart open.
This is not hard to do. It simply takes a commitment and loving yourself more.  And having the practices and tools that can help you do exactly that. I'm big on tools. I'm a practical woman. I want to know what works then do it!
I've enjoyed sharing my "Portable Peace" practices with you because they are things we can do wherever we are to help our body/mind remain calm. When we're calm, guess what? We have a much better chance of feeling vibrantly healthy and well.
Today, I have a blessing for you. (No video this week, just an audio.) I hope that it will point you back in the direction of your own self-care--to loving yourself more. 
Listen here to a 90-Second Blessing for Self-Care.
One of the ways I take good care of myself is to try to write every day. Even for as little as 5 minutes, I find that writing releases stuck thoughts, body worries, and more. Writing brings clarity. It helps me know what I can do to be kinder toward myself ... more loving.
In June, I'll be sharing my personal writing practice with any of you who want to enhance your health, create new health goals, and love yourself into greater well-being.
"Writing for the Health of It" is:
my new 30-day e-course, held June 1 - June 30. It will instructions on how to "write through your heart," a 5-minute healing/writing exercise sent to your personal e-mail each day in June, AND a private Facebook page for us to interact and journey into greater health--together! Details with registration info will be sent next week.
Remember, what cannot be expressed cannot be healed.
I hope you will consider joining me for this powerful mode of self-expression: "writing to wellness." I have taught this course in hospitals and health-care organizations since 1997 and I'm delighted to be able to offer it online for the very first time. 

Please feel free to share today's Blessing and news of my forthcoming course with friends who are ready to love themselves more. We can all use more tenderness ... healing ... hope.

Blessings of health and metta (loving-kindness) to you,

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