Monday, October 31, 2011

When Ego Goblins Call, What's a Body to DO?

(This is an older blog post from 2008, but I thought you might enjoy reading it this Halloween too!

When Ego Goblins Come to Call, 
What's A Body to Do?

I awoke to the most amazing fall morning in northern Michigan. It's the last day of October—Halloween— and so often this day has been characterized by biting winds, rain, and scores of soppy, shivering Trick-or-Treaters. This morning it was in the high 50's, glorious sunshine, with temps predicted to go as high as 70 degrees! The swans are parading in front of my house on the Bay, the Canadian Geese are swimming in formation, and the finches, chickadees, and two pesky chipmunks are nibbling at feeders in the backyard. It feels like a fairy tale sort of day when I look out my windows, and I am certain that the inner peace I am feeling now will prevail throughout the day.

Until I go to my computer that is. Then the "real world" seems to cascade in. It threatens to blow me off course and take me into murky waters—stress, worry, too much to do, deadlines to make, and the like. I't's been suggested by my publisher to create another blog on to help promote Your Truest Self, and I gladly comply. Until, that is, all those technological goblins hit and I am seconds away from being a teary  mess. I am not a techno sort of gal. I'd rather be watching swans any day. But duties call, and what that means to me is diving into a computer world with which I am somewhat inept and uncomfortable. (I may have been the last person on the planet to sign up for e-mail, no kidding!)

But I want to hold on to my sense of peace this morning. I really do. So I open up my inner peace toolbox and see what's there. Here's what I found:

1. I can observe what's happening to me. I can feel my peace slipping away—literally.
   This is good!

2. I can say "No, thank you," and decide in that moment to reorient myself.  
   Yep, did that!

3. I can choose an activity (even for a few moments) that will enable me to shift my energy—from tear-filled frustration to calm.  
   Ok, move away from my desk, go into the kitchen, refill my coffee cup, make some peanut butter toast, and check back in with the Bay. No swans this time, but a large gaggle of geese.  Nice!

4. I can choose to re-engage the activity with a new intention to get the job done with minimal frustration and maximum calm. 
   I take some deep breaths, go slowly, and relax. 

5. Accessing calm brings greater clarity. Clarity brings wisdom.  
   Feeling more clear, I get an inkling that I might be using the wrong e-mail address and password. Amazing! All the pages work now. I am in. Hallelujah!

This is a process any of us can engage in. I truly believe that. As long as our heartfelt intention is to remain peaceful throughout our day, no matter what comes—no matter how frustrating, nasty, or ghoulish the news or situation, I believe we can choose how to respond. It just takes practice. It begins with learning how to notice (become acutely aware of the thoughts and feelings that rise up from within us), and redirect our thoughts. Then make a new choice.

I can choose peace for myself. You can too. It's not that hard. Practice peace and you will experience more and more peace. Practice peace and, in time, you will be peace. 

Remember, engaging in life in a new way, breaking old habituated ways of acting, and incorporating healthy new ones, takes time. Researchers say it takes 3 weeks to create a new habit. 90 days for it to stick. Even longer to become part of your lifestyle. 

Believe you me, inner peace is a choice. One we make again and again for ourselves—especially when life threatens to overwhelm, sabotage, or defeat us. We make or break our own peace. This is empowerment. This is living as our truest self. 

Inner peace is mine, one choice at a time.
Inner peace is mine, one step at a time.
Inner peace is mine, one breath at a time. 

I'm off in a short while to enjoy Halloween with my 7-year-old granddaughter. I'll carry my newfound peace with me as I go. And no goblins or spooks—even ego based ones, will knock me off of my peaceful pedestal. Care to join me? 

Sending warm October breezes of inner peace your way ...

All Love,

Want a great resource for accessing inner peace when ego-goblins come to call? Check out Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh. It's a life-saver! Saved mine in 1994 when illness struck. But that's another post. ;-)

©Janice Lynne Lundy, 2008


mermaid said...

I feel that October breeze, and it's nice. Just a gentle kiss, not a hurricane!

Your step by step approach is amazing. I really felt like I was there with you. never would have guessed you are not computer savvy, as you can probably do more than I can!

Jan Lundy said...

Hi Mermaid, well I was not at all computer savvy a few years ago when I wrote that post. I have had to learn so much since then and I definitely feel more comfortable, but not up to speed as far as the "bigger" technology. I still have no desire to have an iPhone or to Twitter. And so many others areas of techno brilliance, but I try to honor what feels right for me without taxing myself...

Glad you liked my approach to the goblins!