Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Labor of Love

Are you ready to let go of everything you have ever been told about love?

Perfect Love is a profound, yet practical guide to harnessing the power of Love—Love that can transform your life and the world as you know it.

What you'll discover in Perfect Love...

We'll show you how to use "Soul Sailing" principles and techniques to bring a greater experience of Love into your life. This is the revolutionary new method we've developed for creating loving relationships with others as the spiritual being you are. When you can relate to other people as your "Spirit Self." Perfect Love will become an everyday experience for you, and your life will dramatically change for the better.   (This book is appropriate for couples as well as for singles.)

With Perfect Love as your guide you will learn:
•    How to access your "Spirit self"
•    How living as your Spirit self brings Love to you
•    How to identify when you are operating through the ego self
•    How living through your ego self keeps you separated from the Love you desire
•    Techniques to move away from the ego's influence to experience more love, peace, and joy in all areas of your life
•    What role vibration plays in attracting Love or repelling it
•    Strategies to raise your vibration into the Spirit range to experience more personal and relationship harmony
•    How to tap into the "Vibration of Love"
•    How to create a Spirit-filled relationship with that special someone
•    How to transform an ordinary "relationship" into a "spiritual partnership"
•    Who your partner really is to you and why your relationship is sacred
•    How to access the deepest love possible for your partner
•    Principles to create a Foundation upon which everlasting Love can be built
•    How to use Soul Sailing techniques to transform and heal all of your relationships (family, workplace, etc.), even the most difficult ones
•    The role you can play in assisting others experience Perfect Love
•    How Perfect Love can transform every aspect of your daily life, including your health and well-being
•    How you can be a key player in creating a global experience of Perfect Love

Experience lasting romance with the help of the Relationship Toolbox

Within the pages of Perfect Love, you'll also find a comprehensive Relationship Toolbox which contains 28 secrets for experiencing Perfect Love with a partner.

This innovative Toolbox contains:

•    10 "Love Links," practices that enable you and your partner to connect as your Spirit selves, developing the deepest bond possible so your Perfect Love can flourish.

•    10 "Ego Busters," strategies to help you diffuse relationship storms or lessen their intensity so your Foundation of Love will remain intact.

•    8 "Heart Menders," techniques to come back together as quickly as possible after a relationship storm so you stay connected spirit-to-spirit.

The Toolbox offers time-tested tools that can help you create relationship success! Perfect Love can be your personal companion to loving, heart-to-heart and soul-to-soul.

In Praise of Perfect Love

"Perfect Love, a breakthrough in relationship thinking, uncovers a profound secret of lasting romance in today's New Reality consciousness. Like all great discoveries, this one seems stunningly obvious once someone points it out ... This landmark book is filled with brilliant insights which show you exactly how, once and for all, to bring the joy of deep romance into your own life."

~ Owen Waters, author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness 

"Oh, how I wish Perfect Love had been available when my marriage was young, unripe, and full of "righteous wounding." Oh, how glad I am it is available now, when so many of us are yearning for a new paradigm to love by. Authors Brad and Jan Lundy gently teach readers how to access their innate ability to love heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul."

~ Sue Patton Thoele, author of The Mindful Woman and The Courage to Be Yourself 

"In a world where ego-conditioning dominates every aspect of relationships, this book brings a deeper, more authentic, alternative."

~ William Martin, author of The Couple's Tao Te Ching 

The authors of Perfect Love, Jan and Brad Lundy

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