Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Making A Lasting Change - Part III

Making a Lasting Change in 2012 ~ Part III

If you want to make a lasting change any time in your life (did you notice the word “lasting”?) there are 4 powerful mindsets that must be in place for us to do so.

In my previous post, I presented the second one: “Passion.” You can read that entry here.

Today the third mindset ...


Despite readiness and abundant passion, there comes a time in our changeover when the temptation to return to old ways inevitably rears its head. No one said change was easy.

Long-term change does not happen overnight; it takes time. As human beings, we get discouraged when the going gets tough, when the craving kicks in, when the pounds don't peel off easily, or when something or someone undermines our efforts and causes us to weaken.

It’s perseverance that’s required to overcome the obstacles that come our way—and there will be many because such is the nature of life.

Perseverance is also required to conquer the tendency to give up when the journey loses its luster—as it will, because we are deeply habituated creatures and the mind likes to stick with the way it’s been doing things all along.

The only place perseverance can be found is deep within ourselves. Despite our resistance to doing so, it may be necessary to "pull ourselves up by our bootstraps," as the saying goes; push through; try with full throttle effort—just one more time.

Can you think of a time in your life when perseverance paid off? When you knew what you had to do with courage and fortitude and you pressed on? And because you did, you triumphed?

I can.

As I write this, a number of significant times come to mind where perseverance was essential—for my own well-being and/or that of someone I loved.

I think of losing my health and the passion and persistence required to restore it because I wanted to live without feeling stressed and overwhelmed all the time. I recall years of searching to find and embrace a spiritual life that was mine—not something I was handed and asked to believe. I was determined to have a spiritual partnership with a man who would love my soul as much as I would love his.

Other times it involved loved ones: helping someone navigate addiction and getting them into recovery before they died; getting my daughter released from a third tour of Iraq when the military ignored her emotional instability and I knew she was unable to deal with life, much less a war front again. There were more.

If you can perceive the energy behind my words about these situations, you will hear the language of perseverance and passion. Passion fuels persistence and so we must do what we need to do to get that fire going. And when we do, watch out.

The blaze that builds—from the perfect combination of readiness, passion and persistence—will begin to roar and light up our lives in beautiful new ways. Change is at hand. 

Can YOU feel it happening in your life yet? I surely hope so! 

Though there is one more element we need to include in our formula for bringing about lasting change.

Stay tuned ... It will be posted on Saturday.


I'm so pleased to announce a new 12-Month Sacred Journey Course, based on my book Your Truest Self.

What a joy it will be to travel with you—intimately!—through the 12 Transformational Truths. With kindred women, we'll create Sacred Community (in a secure online "classroom") and be each others' best traveling companions for one full year. Wow!

Together we will EMBODY our truest selves—finally! We'll live rich spiritual lives and engage life from our fullness. No more shrinking, hiding, being less than we are meant to be. What a beautiful journey we will have.

I hope you will join me. Class beings March 5.

Registration has begun! Read more and register here.

Photo image credits (top) gameanna

1 comment:

mermaid said...

I've know those times when the path loses its luster. Right now I'm trying my best to give up sugar for 1 month and it's HARD. Candy and cakes seem to surround me everywhere!

You've been through some pretty rough times. I have a great role model.