Saturday, July 25, 2009

Spiritual Direction and Mentoring

Who Benefits from Spiritual Mentoring?

Mentoring may be right for you if you are experiencing:

* Spiritual uncertainty
* Stress, worry, depression, or anxiety
* Low self-esteem or lack of confidence
* Health issues
* Parenting challenges
* Job dissatisfaction or loss
* Conflict with others
* Grief or loss
* Relationship difficulties, separation, or divorce

Or, if you are simply looking for support for your life journey ...

I can assist you in connecting with your calm, clear, wise self. Mentoring can introduce you to a greater daily experience of inner peace and joy. 

How Does Spiritual Mentoring Work?

Mentoring usually occurs once a month for one hour, either in person or over the telephone. This can be short term or long term, depending on your needs and life circumstances. However, if you find yourself in a time of great challenge, sessions can be scheduled 2 or 3 weeks apart. Meeting monthly, allows time for sinking into your inner listening and discernment, and to skill-build.

Each session begins prayerfully. We come together with a few moments of silence, creating sacred space within ourselves and for one another.

You bring to the session what is on your heart. This is a time of deep sharing and entrustment when you share what is happening in your life: challenges, joys, sorrows, worries or fears. Persistent issues from the past can be discussed or dreams for the future. Everything we experience in life is central to our spiritual journeys, so anything can be discussed.

As a mentor, I listen deeply to all that is said and unsaid. Both of us “lean into the Sacred” together by using mindful, openhearted listening practices. If you are not familiar with these, we will cultivate these practices together, particularly "sacred listening" and how to engage in the act of discernment. We maintain a contemplative stance, seeking insight from a higher perspective. We ask for guidance and open ourselves up to inner knowing. (Might I add that sessions are not always “serious.” There is much joy and laughter and celebration to be found here, as well.)

I may also invite you to explore new spiritual practices that could enhance your experience of the Divine as you understand it (journaling, prayer, meditation, creative expression, body movement, etc., that you may wish to try at home). I may suggest certain readings or books.

And, sometimes, there is very little direct guidance offered on my part at all. I simply listen, reflect what is shared back to you, and allow the telling of your story to open you up to new ways of being. The telling of one’s sacred tale is often “enough.” Doing so creates a renewed sense of inner calm, clarity, and insight.

In some cases, I may suggest other healing modalities or therapeutic counseling. Sometimes spiritual direction/mentoring is not what is needed at this time, and the mentee would be better served by another form of counseling or healthcare.

At the end of each session, we pause for a few more moments of silence to reflect on what has transpired or to access gratitude.

You may schedule a follow-up appointment if you desire. Participating in this process is based upon your needs and you will discern how often we meet (within the suggested guidelines). You may terminate our relationship at any time.

If at any time you desire to make a personal retreat in Michigan (where I am located), you can request on-site personal mentoring and I will meet with you in person. Contact me for details. I can also provide suggestions for soulful places for retreat. 

How Does Long-Distance (Telephone) Mentoring Work?

Mentoring over the telephone is a bit different and has a unique set of requirements. The format is the same; sessions are usually held once a month.

~You must be able to place yourself in a private and intentional space where you feel relaxed and be uninterrupted.

~You must have an ability to listen well and be comfortable with pauses or silence. Some people are not (which is necessary for deep listening and contemplation) so they feel they must talk their way through the session. If this is the case, I will likely suggest that phone mentoring may not be for you.

~Prepayment for a session is made by sending a check ahead of time, or over the telephone with a credit/debit card via Pay Pal. 

Is There A Cost for Spiritual Mentoring?

A donation for services is requested. The suggested donation is $60 per hour ($50 for in-person mentoring). Cash, checks, credit cards, and Pay Pal are accepted. If there is a financial concern, please share that with me and we can make arrangements.

Questions? Need to talk?

Contact me to discuss if spiritual mentoring might be for you or to request an "Application for Spiritual Mentoring." I look forward to speaking with you further.


Testimonials from Previous Directees/Mentees 
can be found here.