The Year of the Sacred Journey
Friends, I am delighted to offer all new courses, events, online resources and personal guidance sessions to assist you on your personal pilgrimage to:
"The Landscape of the Heart"
Together we will cultivate never before experienced levels of physical and emotional health, happiness, peace and lovingkindness. Please join me for this intimate journey!
There are 5 powerful Paths to choose from. Choose one or many:
Path #1 ~ Mapping the Way with a Sacred Journey Guidance
It's been said that if you don't know where you're going, you'll probably end up somewhere else. It's true. And when you're ready to go and grow—to live as Your truest self—it's wise to have a plan so you can stay steady on the path.
Consider beginning your Sacred Journey of 2012 with an intimate conversation with me. We'll begin by laying out your spiritual journey map ... LEARN MORE
Path #2 ~ The Path of Learning in Sacred Community
In 2012, you can choose from two life-altering, 12-month programs. Here you can grow and be nourished in the arms of a safe and supportive, intimate community for an entire year. The greatest growth I have experienced as a woman has always been within the framework of a loving community of women like myself. Have you had the privilege of experiencing this yourself yet?
This year you can! There are 2 Tracks of Sacred Community for you to choose from:
Track 1: "Your Truest Self:
Embodying the Woman You Are Meant to Be"
Begins March 5, 2012. (Continues through February 2013.)
Based upon "the work of my lifetime" and the book I authored of the same title, we will dive deep into the 12 Transformational Truths that every woman must embody if she is to live as her truest self. This is the key—embodiment—actually walking, talking, living in the world in the highest way possible. 2012 is a key year in our personal and global history. No longer can we afford to give lip service to these spiritual truths. It is time to BE them. The world needs our brilliance. Time to shine! This Sacred Journey Track will take you there.
Track 2: "Creating A Life of Contentment"
Begins September 15, 2012 (Continues through August 2013)
If you have grown weary of trying to be perfect and are ready to "be enough," Contentment may be calling your name. This is the second season of this course and the rave reviews are in. On Sacred Journey 2 track you will begin to fall back in love with yourself and your life; to live with passion; to create simplicity and beauty in your home and life; to discover the bliss of your own life ...
Path #3 ~ The Path of the Pilgrim: Going Solo
If you are a woman who is self-motivated, loves learning, but prefers to go it alone, consider taking one of my self-paced online courses. These arrive in a 21 or 30-day format and are on a variety of timely and life-altering topics. They are "directed," meaning, you receive all of the materials, recordings, and guidance you'll need, delivered directly (daily) to your Inbox. Ideal for busy on-the-go women and for women who prefer to grow at home. These courses are content rich and practical. Wisdom and practices that work!
Current and future e-courses include "What To Do When You're Feeling Blue," "Writing for the Health of It," "Meditate Like A Girl," "6 Steps to Living Worry Free," and more.
Pilgrims who go solo may also benefit from private spiritual guidance sessions with me.
NEW! ~ "Independent Studies" for the "Advanced" Seeker ~ NEW!
If you are a "seasoned traveler" and have taken many of my courses before, consider making 2102 your year of Independent Studies with me. We will journey together one-on-one, navigating an area of personal spiritual growth that suits you best.
Perhaps you would like to learn to meditate, breakthrough a negative pattern, or love your body more. It's up to you! Together, we will create a personal "curriculum" and support program around your chosen path. Details forthcoming. Or send me an e-mail to discuss it now.
Path #4 ~ The Path of Going Inward: Retreat

I am offering two retreats this year, one online and one in-person.
Path #5 ~ Illness As a Path to Spiritual Awakening
When illness strikes or a health challenge prevails, whether we like it or not, we are being offered a unique spiritual "wake up call" to live with intention and purpose—even when we are feeling bad, worried, or afraid.
How do you "live well" with chronic illness or disease? Path #5 will show you how and provide support and companionship all along the way.
Get started with a powerful self-guided e-course on navigating sadness, take a one-day seminar on eliminating worry, read my book on the subject, arrange a Spiritual Care Session with me—and that's just the beginning!
As a woman "living well" with three chronic health conditions, I know firsthand how to navigate the unpredictable and energy-sapping terrain of illness. I also know how it can open us up spiritually if we allow it to; how illness invites us to self-compassion, for one, the most healing practice of all. You need not feel alone on this journey. Relief is here!
No matter which Sacred Path you choose,
may your journey be blessed.
May you come to know and embrace the beauty of your life
as it is and as it can be!
May you come to know the power of dwelling in
"The Landscape of the Heart."
I look forward to joining you and supporting you on your Path this year.
With Metta,
Jan Lundy
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